Changes to Alimony law effective July 1, 2023 below:

Pursuant to §61.08, Florida Statutes, the changes apply “To all initial petitions for dissolution of marriage or support unconnected with dissolution of marriage pending or filed after July 1, 2023.” In other words, if you initiated divorce proceedings BEFORE July 1, 2023, and they are still ongoing as of July 1, 2023, the updated law is applicable.

The new law removes permanent alimony awards, redefines the lengths of marriage, provides guidelines as to the length of the award of alimony and the amount, among other things.

As to the lengths of marriage:

  1.   A short-term marriage is now considered a marriage up to 10 years in duration;

  2. A moderate-term marriage is now considered a marriage between 10 and 20 years; and

  3. A long-term marriage is considered any marriage 20 years or more in durations.

As to the length of the award, you or your attorney must use the factors to explain to the court what the proper length of the award should be and to determine whether there are exceptional circumstances that would warrant an award exceeding the guidelines length.

As to the amount of the award, the new law provides the court with guidelines to calculate durational alimony. The amount of the alimony award cannot exceed the reasonable need of the recipient spouse or 35% of the difference between the parties’ net incomes, whichever amount is less.  Thus, if the recipient spouse’s need is less than 35%, the need amount is the amount to be awarded.  

Although there are additional intricacies within the updated alimony law, this overview underscores the primary changes.

If you need assistance with an alimony dispute, your should speak to a family law attorney for more information and to understand your options. The attorneys of Siclait Law Firm, PLLC can advise you of your rights and aid you in seeking any relief possible. You can contact us through our online form at https://www.siclaitlaw.com/contact or at (305) 792-8660 to schedule a consultation